English Theatre „Family Affairs

Die SchülerInnen der 3. und 4. Klassen durften am 14. März eine Theatervorführung des Vienna‘s English Theatre in der Arbeiterkammer besuchen. In der Komödie „Family Affair“ geht es um Patchwork-Familien als auch um Flüchtlingsintegration. Die Thematik wird berührend und zugleich sehr humorvoll behandelt.
Es war für unsere Kinder ein tolles Theatererlebnis.

The play ‚family affairs‘ was about (a father and his daughter) refugees from Syria. A father and his daughter wanted to find a better life in England. After some troubles they finally succeeded.

We liked the play „A Family Affair“ a lot. It was good that we read the booklet before watching the play but because oft the excellent English of the actors and actresses, we would have understood it also without reading the play first.
Also the topic was nice and we could imagine the situation oft the different roles of the actors. The play had the perfect length and with the difference between thinking and laughing nobody got bored.
(Lena F., Laura B., Elena B., 4C)

English Theatre „Family Affairs“English Theatre „Family Affairs“

English Theatre „Family Affairs“

English Theatre „Family Affairs“

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