Englisch-Projektwoche der 4. Klassen


Dieses Jahr fand die Englisch-Projektwoche für die 4. Klassen vom 25. bis 28. April statt. Die Organisation ABCi, ein gemeinnütziger Verein zur Föderung einer zweisprachigen Lernumgebung, getaltete dieses Jahr das Programm. Sechs Native Speaker arbeiteten mit den SchülerInnen zu verschiedenen Themen. Den Abschluss der Intensiv-Tage bildete eine Präsentation mit szenischen Darbietungen und Liedern im Turnsaal. Die SchülerInnen waren von diesen Tagen begeisert und sie arbeiteten motiviert und engagiert mit.

Englisch-Projektwoche der 4. Klassen  Englisch-Projektwoche der 4. Klassen

Englisch-Projektwoche der 4. Klassen  Englisch-Projektwoche der 4. Klassen

Feedback der Schülerin Elisa Strasser, 4c
The English week was great. If I could give them a schoolmark it would clearly be a 1. It was so cool and all teachers were really nice. I would totally recommend them.
I had much fun that week and we also learned a few more things `cause we had different „subjects“ like geography or sports. We learned most of the things by playing games which was pretty cool.
At first I thought it would get boring after a while but I was wrong. The teachers varied between different games and topics we could talk about so it wouldn‘t tire anyone and it worked.
We also learned to have discipline. We were only allowed to speak Englisch and if we spoke German the other team got a point and so we learned that we could only speak English.
At the end of the week we had our presentation where every group showed their own performances. It was very cool but I was a bit nervous `cause there were so many people but it was very awesome.
The only negative thing was that the week only lasted till Thursday. Even though it was an amazing week!

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