Englisch-Sprachwoche „English in Action“

Die Englisch-Sprachwoche fand heuer vom 23. – 26. 9. an unserer Schule statt.
Vier Tage lang erlebten die Schüler und Schülerinnen intensives Sprachtraining, Projektarbeit und Dramaworkshops mit fünf „Native Speakers“ aus Canterbury. Am Ende der Woche präsentierten sie ihren Eltern ihre Ergebnisse mit viel Freude und Enthusiasmus.


Lydia, Anna:
I can only say it was great fun and it was a good experience for me. I was very sad when the week was over and I would like to do the project week again. I will never forget it.

I liked the project week very much because the teachers were all very friendly. It was very funny and we learned to speak only English the whole day. Sometimes when I came home, I spoke English with my family because I forgot that I was at home. I think we should make such a week every year.

Our project week was really funny. We had book lessons, show lessons and project lessons. In our book lessons we listened to music and learned about London, Scotland, about sports and other interesting things.For me the English project week was great fun:

I will never forget this week because it was the best week I have ever had.