Stop thief

In diesem Schuljahr fand zum ersten Mal ein englischer Theater-Workshop statt.
Die Englischgruppen der 3. Klassen erarbeiteten sich mit David Taylor vom Vienna’s English Theatre das Stück „Stop Thief“.
Die Schüler hatten als Vorbereitung das Stück gelesen und hatten sich auch schon eine Rolle ausgesucht. Eine Aufgabe der Schüler war es, sich über ihr Outfit und ihre Requisiten Gedanken zu machen.
David Taylor erarbeitete mit jeder Gruppe einen Vormittag lang (6 Einheiten), wie bei Filmaufnahmen, Szene für Szene und filmte dann jede Szene.
Die Schüler waren sehr motiviert und es war für sie eine Möglichkeit ihr Englisch zu gebrauchen.

Sehen Sie selbst was dabei entstanden ist: (3b vom 22.11.12)

Schüler schrieben zum Abschluss des Workshops einen kleinen Bericht in English:

Hier ein paar Auszüge aus Texten von Schülerinnen der 3c:

Lara M.:
On Wednesday Nov.23rd David Taylor came to our class. He is an English actor who travels from school to school to act out plays with pupils. He came in and told us about himself. Then we began to act out the first part of the play “Stop Thief“. Mr.Taylor told us who would play in the first scene and in the second scene. After that we put on our costumes. We turned our classroom into a bookshop. We also needed a broom, a till, a telephone and an alarm. We practised bit after bit and when it was perfect he filmed us. Mr. Taylor was like a director and he even had a clap. In the second scene we changed the persons. when we finished the play he told us that we did a good job and that we would get a DVD. it was very funny to work with Mr.Taylor. I really liked how funny he exlained what we should do. It was the first time that I acted out a play in English. Playing “Stop Thief“ was great.

Melanie E.:
On Wednesday last week we had a visitor in our class. It was David Taylor. He is an English actor. In the first lesson he told us about his life. David’s job is an actor. His last film was two years ago.
Six years ago he played in “Spider-MAN“. . . ..
We had a lot to giggle with him! I hope that we will see him again next year.

Katharina A.:
. . . At the end we had to say our name and Lara’s glasses fell off and broke. We all laughed and we had to start again to say our names. He also said he loves Austria. It was a great day.

Lara M.(2):
. . . He made very funny joles with us. After a while we started to film. The play was about a library. Into the library came many people. Then a shifty woman and a shifty man went in it. They stole a book. Suddenly the alarm went off. Mrs. Hall, the boss, stopped the thieves and wanted to call the police, but they spoke with her and she changed her mind. I was shifty woman in scene 2. . . .
I think this was the best Wednesday all time!

Julia Z.:
. . . On this morning I wore high-heels, silk tights, a purple skirt, a T-shirt and a black cardigan. I also had a necklace and sunglasses. . . .I had to play a customer. It was a really good part. . . . It was the best and funniest day at school.