The Vienna's English Theatre

The pupils of our 3rd and 4th classes went to the English Theatre on Monday, Jan 28th. The play “Around the world in 80 days“ performed by “the Vienna’s English Theatre” was thrilling, exciting and funny.

Around the world in 80 days

adaped from Jules Verne’s novel by Sean Aita

@ All passengers on this trip around the world

Ever been on a trip around the world, anybody? No? well, here’s your chance!

Perhaps you’ve read Jules Verne’s story, or seen a film version? If not, here’s what happens: Mr Fogg, a rich English Gentleman, bets two friends that he is able to go around the world in 80 days. To prove it, he is going to have his passport stamped in each country he travels through. Throughout the whole trip, he and his butler Passepartout are followed by Mr Fix, a police officer, who thinks Mr Fogg is a bank robber and wants to arrest him.

Around the World in 80 Days is set in the 19th century when travelling to faraway countries wasn’t as easy as it is nowadays. There were no cars or busses, no jet airplanes – just a few slow steam trains and horse-drawn carriages, and, of course, ships to take you overseas. Remember: 80 days is less than three months – and without all modern means of transport, do you really think Mr Fogg stands a chance to win his bet?

You’ll not only travel to different countries and meet different people and cultures (and, of course, come across different kinds of food!), you’ll also have a lot of fun with Passepartout, who is not at all happy about the adventure, and very often ‘puts his foot in’ (i.e. he makes lots of funny mistakes and often behaves in a way which seems very strange to the foreign people he meets).

So, before you watch the performance or start reading the play, place your bets quickly: is Mr Fogg going to be able to travel around the world in 80 days?

Yes or no?

Now, I bet you that you will really love this play and have lots of fun. And I’ll definitely win this bet!

All ready for the big adventure? Good! Oh, and by the way: Mr Fogg always manages to continue his journey because he can talk to people in English! English is the most widely spoken language in the world! It has approximately 380 million native speakers, and is spoken and understood by 2 billion people worldwide!

Pretty good reason for learning the language, don’t you think? So don’t just study it at school, in your English classes, in order to pass your tests! Use it as often as possible, and enjoy communicating in English. Remember:

Using your English will get you anywhere, all around the world!